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8 Simple Tips and Tricks To Help Land Your Next Job

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8 Simple Tips and Tricks To Help Land Your Next Job

8 Simple Tips and Tricks To Help Land Your Next Job

From applications to résumés to interviews, it can feel overwhelming to know how to communicate to potential employers that you are the right candidate for their job opening.

Luckily, there are simple ways to make your voice stand out from the crowd and make a great impression on a hiring manager. With that in mind, here are our top 8 simple tips and tricks to help land your next job.

Have a professional email address. Think of your email address as an extension of your resume. Receiving a job application and cover letter from can send the wrong impression to recruiters. Instead, use an email based on your name so recruiters can easily find your email in their inbox.

Use keywords from the job description in your résumé.
Many recruiters use scanning software to filter through applications. These softwares look for keywords that also appear in the job description. Tweaking your résumé to include these keywords can help your application reach the next phase.

Share your unique perspective. When writing your cover letter, include what perspectives you have that make you unique. For example, highlighting that you are a veteran can communicate that you are punctual, dedicated, and a team player.

Create a stand-out LinkedIn profile. More often than not, recruiters turn to social media to learn more about job candidates. Your LinkedIn profile, the main social networking site for professionals, should be up-to-date with clean photos and all relevant job experience.

Develop an elevator pitch. Whenever you find yourself in a position to connect with a new person about a job opportunity, such as a job fair or networking event, recruiters want to know who you are quickly. Preparing a 1-minute or less speech about yourself, your experience, and your ideal job can help you feel more comfortable marketing yourself.

Do your research. Come to your job interview prepared by researching the company with whom you are interviewing. If you are applying for a marketing position, for example, familiarizing yourself with their most recent marketing campaigns can wow the interview team.

Phone a friend. Ask a friend to help you prepare by having a mock interview. Rehearsing the answers to potential interview questions can help relax your nerves and come into the real interview confidently.